Jonas Brothers Family Roast, a new comedy special featuring pop rock band Jonas Brothers, is coming to Netflix in November. Netflix shared a teaser for the special Monday featuring the Jonas Brothers — siblings Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas.  In a video posted to Twitter captioned “This is gonna be fun.  Don’t miss the Jonas Brothers Family Roast on November 23rd only on  @Netflix!! #roasted @NetflixIsAJoke” the brothers said: “Jonas Brothers Family Roast is a one-of-a-kind comedy special of epic proportions that celebrates the universal truth that no one can get under your skin quite like your own family.”

Actor and comedian Kenan Thompson will host the show, with Pete Davidson, Niall Horan, Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias, John Legend, Lilly Singh and Jack Whitehall making guest appearances. The new special “celebrates the universal truth that no one can get under your skin quite like your own family.” The show will feature sketches, songs and games as the Jonas Brothers get a roasting.

The Jonas Brothers released their fifth studio album, Happiness Begins, in June 2019; they previously appeared in the NBC special Olympic Dreams during the Tokyo Summer Olympics. The siblings also starred in the Amazon Prime Video documentaries Chasing Happiness and Happiness Continues.

Editorial credit: Kathy Hutchins /

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