Jaafar Jackson will portray his uncle, the legendary Michael Jackson, in the upcoming biopic “Michael,” director Antoine Fuqua announced on social media. “Michael” will be the first major film role for Jaafar Jackson, the second-youngest son to Jermaine Jackson, whose brother was Michael Jackson.

“Michael” will depict the legacy of the man who became known as the King of Pop. According to Lionsgate Studios, the film will explore all aspects of Jackosn’s life, “including his most iconic performances that led him to become the greatest entertainer of all time.” The film is being made with the cooperation of the Michael Jackson estate. Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson, said “Jaafar embodies my son. It’s so wonderful to see him carry on the Jackson legacy of entertainers and performers.” 

Producer Graham King said they held a worldwide casting search for the title role before finding the actor who would portray Jackson: “I met Jaafar over two years ago and was blown away by the way he organically personifies the spirit and personality of Michael. It was something so powerful that even after conducting a worldwide search, it was clear that he is the only person to take on this role. I am beyond thrilled that he has come on board to portray his uncle and cannot wait for the world to see him on the big screen as Michael Jackson.”  Added Fuqua: “It’s incredibly exciting to watch Jaafar bring Michael to life. There was such a spiritual connection when I first met Jaafar, who has a natural ability to emulate Michael and such a great chemistry with the camera.”

Editorial credit: Joe Seer / Shutterstock.com

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